1. Co-supervised PhD research of Prof Asad Aslam Khan (Pro-vice chancellor King Edward Medical Univeristy). He defended successfully in 2013. Title is “Gene based study of prognostic evaluation of retinoblastoma of eye
  2. Supervised PhD- Prof Nasir Raza Zaidi-PhD, Title is “Magnetic Resonance Imaging in characterization of Multiple sclerosis plaques in determining their impact on cognitive functions”
  3. Co-supervised Ph.D Research of Dr. Saira Afzal (HOD Community Medicine, King Edward Medical University). She defended successfully in 2016. Title was, “Endometrial patterns, sterilization failure and ectopic pregnancies after 6-17 years in females sterilized with quinacrine in Faisalabad during 1995-2005”
  4. Supervised Ph.D student, she defended her thesis in 2018. Her work was on Cytotoxic assessment of quinoline based derivatives on liver cancer cell line
  5. Supervised 10 M.Phil students, more than 10 Master students, 3 BS students and still supervising some research students